Download Windows Expert Tool 1.2 - This tool is used to retrieve all passwords and serial numbers saved on your computer. Using mspass, ProduKey, and other ...
Version 1.2 (01/05/2011):
[+] Working fine in Windows 8 Milestone
[+] Added Recovers all Wireless Network Keys (WEP/WPA)
[+] Added Recovers all Passwords Email Clients
[+] Update Scripts Comands
[+] Bug Fixed in closed Aplication in Windows 7
[+] Changed Icon
[+] Changed color layout
[+] Changed Layout
[+] New Option in Menu: Update
[+] New Option in Menu: Users Acounts
[+] New Option in Menu: Control Panel
Currently recovering:
1 - Reveals Key Product Windows & Office:
* Microsoft Windows 98/ME
* Microsoft Windows 2000
* Microsoft Windows NT
* Microsoft Windows XP
* Microsoft Windows Vista
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003
* Microsoft Windows 7 (Works only for some of the Windows 7 versions,
see the known problems section)
* Microsoft Office 2000 (Only ProductID is displayed)
* Microsoft Office 2003
* Microsoft Office 2007
* Microsoft Office 2010
* Microsoft SQL Server 2000
* Microsoft SQL Server 2005
* Microsoft Exchange Server 2000
* Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
2 - Reveals the passwords of the following instant messenger applications:
* MSN Messenger
* Windows Messenger (In Windows XP)
* Windows Live Messenger (In Windows XP/Vista/7)
* Yahoo Messenger (Versions 5.x and 6.x)
* Google Talk
* ICQ Lite 4.x/5.x/2003
* AOL Instant Messenger v4.6 or below, AIM 6.x, and AIM Pro.
* Trillian
* Trillian Astra
* Miranda
* GAIM/Pidgin
* MySpace IM
* PaltalkScene
* Digsby
3- Reveals the passwords and other account details for the following email clients:
* Outlook Express
* Microsoft Outlook 2000 (POP3 and SMTP Accounts only)
* Microsoft Outlook 2002/2003/2007/2010 (POP3, IMAP, HTTP and SMTP
* Windows Mail
* Windows Live Mail
* IncrediMail
* Eudora
* Netscape 6.x/7.x (If the password is not encrypted with master
* Mozilla Thunderbird (If the password is not encrypted with master
* Group Mail Free
* Yahoo! Mail - If the password is saved in Yahoo! Messenger
* Hotmail/MSN mail - If the password is saved in MSN/Windows/Live
Messenger application.
* Gmail - If the password is saved by Gmail Notifier application,
Google Desktop, or by Google Talk.
4 - Reveals the passwords of the following Firefox applications:
* Firefox 2.X
* Firefox 3.X
* Firefox 4.X
5 - Reveals the passwords of the following Google Chrome Web browser & Opera Web browser...
* All Google Chrome Web browser
* All Opera Web browser
6 - Reveals the passwords of the following Internet Explorer:
* Internet Explorer 4
* Internet Explorer 5
* Internet Explorer 6
* Internet Explorer 7
* Internet Explorer 8
7 - WEP/WAP:
* Recovers all wireless network keys (WEP/WPA)
Download Windows Expert Tool 1.2 - Recover All Passwords in Windows (2.2 MB)
Mas ngomong2 template nya dari mana..
BalasHapusCan this be pretty helpful for protecting hackers?
BalasHapusWindows Expert Tool 2.7 Update!
BalasHapus@hujangede : dari herdiansyah sob?
BalasHapus@hire : hmmm..i don't know, may be it can but i don't think so ^^
@anonim : hehehe, uda lama gag liat soalnya sob
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Izin nyimaknya gan...
BalasHapusternyata banyak pelajaran yang saya dapatkan...
Semoga bermanfaat dan sukses
Informasinya sangat bermanfaat sekali...
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Semoga semakin sukses,
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BalasHapusinfonya sangat menarik untuk saya simak,, nice infonya gan. sukses terus!!!!
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BalasHapussaya tunggu artikel selanjutnya
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kini pengetahuan saya semakin bertambah
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sangat menarik sekali infonya :)
BalasHapusterimakasih banyak info nya
BalasHapusBermanfaat sekali
Semoga sukses
makasih infonya :)
BalasHapustrimakasi atas infonya semoga dapat bermanfaat gan
BalasHapusmakasih infonya gan
thanks infonya gan,,,
BalasHapussukses terus gan
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